Saturday 3 September 2011

Game of Thrones the new stars of Season 2

With season 2 of Game of Thrones eagerly anticipated the casting rumours and decisions are coming thick and fast and Season 2 has got some brilliant new characters.  Game of Thrones season 2 casting has seen stars such as Liam Cunningham, Stephen Dillane and Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell, Dormer is known for her role in The Tudors and more recently Captain America the First Avenger.  Check out some more of the casting news and rumours.



Saturday 20 August 2011

X-Men Regenesis PIctures from Marvel

All this week Marvel have been releasing X-Men Regenesis teaser images that tease the upcoming Regenesis series of X comics that follow the X-men Schism storyline.



Tuesday 16 August 2011

Mr Freeze Appears in Batman Arkham City Video Game

It has been announced that Batman's icy enemy Mr Freeze will be joining the likes of the Riddler and the Joker in the upcoming sequel to hugely popular video game Arkham Asylum.


The Arkham City Mr Freeze looks very true to the comics and juding by the new trailer will be putting up quite a fight come October when the game is released.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Superman Man of Steel Revealed

Its finally here we have our fist image of ZackSnyder's Man of Steel and Henry Cavill as Superman, check out the awesome picture below.  Cavill will be portraying Clark Kent the Man of Steel in 2013 as he protects the planet from the evil Krytonian General Zod.




Batwing The Dark Knight Rises

The last two Christoper Nolan films have brought us the updated Batmobile, known as the Tumbler, the updated Batbike that is a part of the actual batmobile and now according to sources take a look at the The Dark Knight Rises Batwing


Looking pretty awesome gliding down the street cant wait to see some more Bat action

Friday 29 July 2011

First footage of The Avengers Movie Arrives Online

 The first footage from upcoming Marvel blockbuster The Avengers had appeared via the end of credit sequence from Catptain America the first Avenger, check out The Avengers Trailer and let us know what you think.  AVENGERS ASSEMBLE

Wednesday 25 May 2011

First gameplay trailer of Modern Warfare 3

As marketing efforts accelerate for one of the most hotly anticipated sequels of 2011 'Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3' Activision have released a brand 'new Modern Warfare 3 trailer with a brand new story with some of our old favourite characters and some awesome looking gameplay.
